Interview Guide

Internship Interview Questions and How to Answer Them

Accurately Answering Interview internship questions is one of the process that guarantees you to become an intern in a company. This process is one that determines your success in the recruitment process. so before going for that interview, it will be nice to make some research and get to know what to expect. Also, how to provide answers to internship interview questions. Below are great tips to help out.

Interviews are simply a test of your knowledge, skills, IQ and confidence level which determines whether or not you would be employed. It is a very essential process that every employer uses as a medium for screening applicants. Internship interviews are no different from the usual so don’t expect anyone to sweet talk or be lenient with you. It’s an opportunity for you to impress your potential employer and show them what they stand to lose if you’re not employed, yeah even as an intern.


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Most times why you fret at the invitation to an interview is just because you’re scared of failing but interviews are actually no big deal. They are just a company’s way of getting to really know you, willingness to learn and what you can do.
However, there are times when you fail at an interview not due to your expertise but presentation and charisma. People also perform poorly at an interview because they lack the right answers to each question.

So are you perhaps in this category and you’ve been looking for a way to get it right? well here’s what you need!


Internship Interview Questions and How to Answer Them


Interview questions and their appropriate answers

Here are few very necessary questions you’re likely to be asked in your interview. You could get acquainted with them to help you effectively prepare and perform well. Remember that the moment you lose that confidence, knowing all the answers to each question would be useless so brace up.

Tell us about yourself

This is your best shot at pitching yourself. Here, it’s best you talk about your education, personality that exhibits focus, diligence and other related attributes. Talk about your values and hobbies but endeavour not to mention trivial things that won’t count.


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Why did you apply for this internship?

This question is usually asked to test how genuine you are, to know if you’re really keen on getting that internship. All you need to do here is talk about what having the internship would add to you. In whatever you say, be careful not to make it just about building your Cv, it would send a wrong message.
Instead, tell them how deliberate you are about learning and getting better and how the internship would help.

Why did you apply for this internship with our company

This is a very critical question that would strongly determine if you get employed or not. So it’s one which you would like to jump into, calm down and think thoroughly. Speak about the company (after you must have done proper research), their working ethics, the value they offer, the standard of performance and so on.
Don’t ever make the grievous mistake of talking about the pay, it is a sure way to get discarded.

How well do you work with teams?

Share your best experiences working with a team, tell them the role you played, if you were a leader or not, your response to work and how well you cooperate with teams. The reason why a company would ask this question is to know how your working ethics, attitude, ability to blend in and cooperate.


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Tell us about a time you had a difficult task and how you dealt with it

Many companies ask this to know how capable you are in the face of challenges and how well you handle them. They want to know if you just become nonchalant or resilient about solving problems.
You need to be truthful here (remember you might eventually get employed there, so it’d all be seen). Tell them about a difficult task and how you solved it, preferably don’t act like it was all you even if it was.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Most often than not, people confuse this with physical attributes but on the contrary, this talks about your character. What are your best traits? could be resilience, zeal for learning , adaptability, etc. While your weakness could be overworking, being too emotional or whatever unique to you.



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Understand that these are not rigid or fixed answers for you to follow, you can be very personal and interesting about it. You wouldn’t wanna bore your interviewer with robot-like talks so be creative about it. One thing every employer looks out for is charisma, so be truthful, confident and convincing.

About the author

Nnamdi Nwachukwu

An amazing writer with over 3 years of experience working in the Marketing, Education, and Sports firms.

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