Immigration and Visa

Rejected Infant Passport Photo

Rejected infant passport photo is a common issue that many parents face when applying for their child’s passport. I recently faced a challenge with my infant’s passport photo being rejected.

In this article, I’ll share helpful tips on how to ensure your infant’s passport photo meets all the requirements, ensuring a smooth application process. Without further ado, let’s dive in!

READ MORE: All You Need To Know About Infant Passport Photo

Infant Passport Photo Requirements 

1. Size and Color

Baby passport photo requirements in the U.S. are the same as the ones for adults but there are some exceptions. 

The infant passport size must be 2×2 inches, colored, in sharp focus, evenly lit, and printed on quality glossy paper. 

Ensure that the picture is not blurry, underexposed, or overexposed, and make sure the printout isn’t damaged. 

The baby’s picture will need to be the latest one possible, although, you shouldn’t worry maybe the appearance changes after the passport has been issued, it will remain valid. 

2. Positioning And Background 

For the positioning, you need to make sure the baby is at the center of the photo and that the head occupies between 70% and 80% of the picture. There should be a little space between the baby and the edges of the photo. 

Ensure your baby is facing the camera and has a neutral expression. Ensure they are not crying or laughing or facing elsewhere.

The baby passport photos require a white background. When there are patterns and visible, objects, they will not accept the photograph for the passport. 

3. Accessories And Clothing 

Your baby shouldn’t hold toys or a pacifier, they need to be the only subject that will be shown in the passport photograph.

If your baby has long hair or a fringe, brush it aside to fully reveal the face. Your baby’s eyes need to be more visible. 

There are no specific clothes for the photograph, make sure your baby is out in a nice outfit. However, don’t use white clothing because it could blend in with the background and cause problems with the biometric system. 

Why An Infant’s Passport Photo Can Be Rejected? 

There are common mistakes that occur when it comes to taking baby passport photos, so make sure you pay more attention to avoid them. 

Inappropriate background is the most common cause that leads to the rejection of the baby’s passport photo. 

Don’t forget that a white uniform background that is the only permitted background color. If you make use of any other color or element to the background the passport will be rejected. 

Additionally, the infant is expected to look straight at the camera lens when taking pictures. If otherwise, the passport may be rejected.

Don’t allow any shadows to reflect in the background and look at the exposure very well. When the picture is too light or too dark, your child’s natural color will be altered. 

READ MORE: How Much Is US Passport In Nigeria

How To Ensure My Infant’s Passport Photo Won’t Be Rejected 

There are three main things you need to have an understanding of how to take good pictures at home. Especially, when you take passport pictures yourself will help to save more of your time and money. 

Prepare Your Background 

Make sure you get a plain background so that you lay your infant on a white sheet, as you avoid all creases. Properly check everything is evenly lit and take the passport photo from above. 

If your baby needs support, you can roll a towel in a “U” shape as you put it under the sheet. 

You can also use a car seat. Then lay the white sheet on the seat and put a small pillow behind the baby’s head. 

You have to make sure that the sheet doesn’t wrinkle or crease, to reduce the tension you can make use of pins. 

Support your infant with your hands but you have to be cautious so that your hands are not visible before taking a photo. 

Choose A Bright Light 

Take the baby’s passport photo in the afternoon or when your baby is well-rested and not hungry. When your baby is relaxing it will be so easy for them to take a passport photo. A sunny day will help the exposure because of the natural light. 

You have to choose an environment you know in other to ensure that the baby will be perfectly calm and that you can easily attract their attention to face the camera before taking the photo. 

If the natural light is not enough you can make use of the overhead lamp to expose the photograph correctly. Don’t use flash because it might change the infant’s expression or overexpose the picture.  

Position Your Camera Well 

Position your camera parallel to the baby’s head and a significant amount of space around them. It will be easy to crop and center the passport photo. 

To have different passport photos, use the camera’s “live mode”, this will help you to have many shots after the other. It will enhance your baby when moving.  

READ MORE: How Do I Get An E-Passport?


Taking a child’s passport photograph can be difficult and sometimes it can be rejected by the authorities for any slight mistake.  By following the tips and tricks I highlighted in this write-up, you can take the perfect baby passport that won’t be rejected.  For more Join Us on Twitter.


About the author

Matthew Ogunwale

I am an amazing Content Writer and SEO Writer. I craft an informative and engaging content blog post that resonates with the audience of my clients.

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