Career Guide


There are several causes of graduate unemployment today, ranging from social, economic and political factors.

The level of graduate unemployment is increasing in the millions as tertiary institutions award various degree to her deserving students from various disciplines. This phenomena has caused an increase in the number qualified graduates for few jobs and further increase in the level of competition among the unemployed.

his article emphasizes on the phenomenon of graduate unemployment as well as its causal factors, consequences and remedies in Nigeria the top 10 causes of graduate unemployment for informative purpose and to equip you with the tools to stand out among other candidate.

This article is of importance to fresh university graduates who have been found worthy in learning and character by their various institutions of learning, and still can’t find their dream job after their graduation.

Here is a breakdown on why fresh graduate find it difficult getting their dream job.


  1. Increased competition
  2. Little or no work experience
  3. Lack of networking
  4. Poor CV and cover letter
  5. No interview skills
  6. No weapon x
  7. No follow up after application
  8. Quitting too easy
  9. Lack of people skills
  10. Dress code

1.)  Increased competition.

Education has been made affordable and accessible to everybody living in rural and urban areas; as such there is no excuse not to go school. Gone are those days when a degree was only accessible to the rich and elite in our society. much pressure has been put on the limited available resources as increasing number of students apply for university admission, the effect of this is that high number of graduate are released every year into the labour market with few employers recruiting.

2.) Little or no work experience.

A major problem is the dilapidation of the education system, little or nothing has been done to restore the old glory of our institutions, with the increasing number of applicants every year, the education system is not getting the much needed expansions and renovation to cushion the effect of high influx of students.

The university curriculum doesn’t encourage hand on experience and this has produced half backed graduates that know nothing on industrial process. Although few institutions made compulsory internship program for their students. These days, certificate alone is not enough to secure a job, as companies now look for expertise skills in the job.

little or no work experience is another factor in the top 10 causes of graduate unemployment


3.) Lack of networking

Over 80% of jobs are secured on recommendations based on referral basis and your network is your net worth, many graduates find it difficult to secure a job due to lack referrals from the organization and most of the jobs gotten are through referrals. Statistics show the majority of people get their jobs this way. The reason why word of mouth is so effective is because it cuts through all the worry of whether or not this person can do the job.

4.)  No preparation on the CV and cover letter.

We have laid much emphasis on this in our previous blog posts, quality CV writing is a first step to securing a job as this is referred to as a marketing strategy for you use to sell and brand yourself to the employer. Most graduate don’t have the writing skill to develop a CV and further tailor the content on their CV for specific job application. This has cost many graduates to miss job opportunities.

Your CV and cover letter act as your first impression. You can’t charm them with your presence or your smile. Your writing does it all for you.


5.) No interview skills

Most graduate find it challenging to pass an interview when eventually being contacted by the employers. So you’ve got past the CV stage and now you’re at the interview. Think it’s a breeze? Think again. How do you answer to interview questions, how do you present yourself to the interviewer, what is the best dress code for an interview. These are questions that require answer and most graduate are often thrown off balance when critical questions are being thrown at them during the interview stage.

6.) No weapon x

You’ve got to have an edge. Something that’ll make you stands out from the rest. Be different. Among a sea of black family sedans, is the fiery red convertible. I can’t help you with this part as the only person who knows yourself the best is you. So take some time, sit down and think of what are some of the best qualities you have and write them down. You can use this when they ask you the hot question of: Why should we hire you? Perfect question the throw you off your feet.

7.) No follow up

so you sent the CV and cover letter, but didn’t hear anything back? Follow up. It can’t hurt. It can only help. Shoot an email or a phone call and ask what’s going on. Chances are, they may have not received it or forgotten about it. It also shows your tenacity and separates you from the rest of the people who don’t follow up. Don’t just assume that they don’t want you and wallow in your self-pity. Take action and make it happen.

8.) Quitting too easily

not getting any call backs can be depressing. Don’t look at it as a negative thing. Look at it as a positive thing. It’s just a sign you have to change things because it’s not working. If you have worked in sales, you know that all sales are just a numbers game. If you have a good product (which is yourself) and if you can put the product out there in front of as many buyers as possible, you’ll eventually make a sale. It’s inevitable.

9.) A lack of people skills

one of the greatest myths regarding getting a job is that you just have to have the skills and knowledge. That may be true for some jobs, but the other major thing that employers are looking for is social skills. Will you integrate well with the staff? Will you mesh with co-workers? Are you a positive person? Are you easy to get along with? etc.

I remember times when a lot of staff members would talk about the interview right after he left. They talked about whether or not to hire him based on not his skills, but his behavior, demeanor and likability. This tie in with the tip of: Be nice to everyone you see in the office because they DO talk about you after you leave. The secretary, the intern, etc, they all chip in and can help make or break you.

10.) Dress code:

Dress the way you would like to address and for every occasion or outing there are dress code suitable for them, going to the party you dress like a party goer, going to the church you dress like a church goer therefore going for an official meeting like submitting application and interviews you are expected to dress suitably according to the companies ethics.

About the author

Nnamdi Nwachukwu

An amazing writer with over 3 years of experience working in the Marketing, Education, and Sports firms.

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