Graduate Job Portal is an online job platform for fresh university graduates seeking for job opportunities with little or no work experience from top organizations. Other resources from this portal includes career tips and CV writing techniques. We provide you with the latest graduate job opportunities near you and the tool to improve your chances up to the interview stage.

Our website provide relevant resources cum tools which include advanced job search: jobs search by location, by sector, job tips and career guides using a well sophisticated and improved user interface to improve users experience and meet users goals when they visit our site.

Graduate Jobs also enables for users to subscribe to our various new mendium to stay updated whenever a new job post is published.

Jobs applied through graduate job portal is not a guarantee for securing the job as we are not affiliated to/ hired by hire any company recruitment posted on our website. be that as it may, we provide the necessary resources and guide to aid you in your application interest.

All content published on this website has been thoroughly researched and verified. However, information from our website can be used at your discretion.