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CEUS For Social Workers: Meaning

This field of social work is advancing. To maintain familiarity with the current and rapidly growing body of research, techniques and theories that will help social workers to retain the skills, acquire new knowledge and give them to serve their clients better. 

The Requirements For Licensure 

Continuing education is one way to maintain your growth in your professional skills as a social worker. According to the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB), Continuing Education is required for license renewal by the states that will issue social work licenses. 

License Renewal Requirements 

Continuing education requirements for social work licensure are different by state, which is why social workers need to understand the rules for the jurisdiction and be abreast of rule changes. 

For instance, some states will not have renewal requirements while others require the workers to complete 30 or more hours of continuing education units(that one hour of coursework is equivalent to one unit) for license renewal. 

Some states have specific requirements on the subject matter that will cover the continuing education units. The database of the licensing information for every state, province and territory in the United States and Canada. 

The database includes the number of hours of continuing education that are required for license renewal and defines the different ways that will obtain continuing education units or CEUs. 

Types Of Continuing Education For Social Work 

Continuing education for social workers can help to form professional development courses, lectures, workshops, seminars, conferences, webinars and self-study courses for the provision by the accredited school of social work, a licensed health facility, government agency or professional social work or mental health association. 

Social workers that live in States that do not require continuing Education for license renewal can still make advantage of professional development resources available online. 

The National Association for Social Workers (NASW) prioritizes continuing education and gives continuing education resources. 

Online Continuing Education Options 

Social workers balance the demands of full-time employment or family to have the option of completing continuing education units online. 

Some online CEU programs will give access to unlimited reviews for the materials or lectures as often as needed and will provide students with forums and virtual study or discussion groups. 

It is essential to know that online CEU programs will be accredited by regional or national boards to count toward professional development. 

Online CEU programs will be offered through various websites and associations, each differs in credibility and quality, so it is essential to research the available options. 

Benefits Of Continuing Education Units 

The benefits of completing continuing education units span from qualifying for the license to renew developing expertise in their area of specialization. 

It is essential to know the benefits of CEUs as well as the conditions for maintaining your license. The following are the tips you can refer to when selecting continuing education courses and applying the renew your license. 

  1. Earning CEUs And Maintaining Your Social Work License Is Your Responsibility 

You have to maintain compliance in your jurisdiction to enrol in courses offered in the accredited school of social work, a licensed health facility. 

A government agency or professional social worker or mental health association. It is left to you to keep the track of hours and certificates. 

  1. Licensing Board Has The Final Say On The Approved CEUs 

Maybe you are not sure if the course is a complaint with the state requirements. Then with the licensing board before you start the course. 

  1. Provide A Correct Documentation 

You have to provide the correct documentation and also verify the attendance and certification. So make sure you keep the records not to rely on the provider. 

  1. Programs Vary In Quality 

It was referred to as the ASWB’s list of continuing education. You can also check the website for the continuing education course list. 

You can also make use of the ASWB search tool to find courses complaint that your state requires. Also, You can do more research to include the specific topic areas and distance learning options. 

What Kind Of Continuing Education Do I Need To Remain A Licensed Social Worker? 

Most jurisdiction requires some form of continuing education for you to maintain your social work license. It consists series of classes that are intended to keep you up to faw on the modern and accepted methods of social work. 

The requirement varies by jurisdiction, so the number of hours and classes you need to take will depend on where you are licensed currently.  Carefully check the jurisdiction’s details to see the continuing education is required for you. 

If Licenses In More Than One Jurisdiction. Will The Continuing Education Hours Qualify For the Various Social Work License Requirements? 

It depends on the jurisdiction in question. Some jurisdictions can have overlapping continuing education requirements that will allow you to apply CE hours to both, with no definitive across the board. 

You can check the jurisdiction in question if you can apply CE hours to maintain your social work license in all. 

If You Are Not Looking For CEOs, Can You Explore In Master’s And Doctorate Programs 

Maybe continuing education is not for you, then a master’s or doctorate In social work will be nice for you. Having a master’s degree in social work or Doctorate in Social Work (DSW) program will help those looking for advancement in their career in the field of social work. 

There are many master’s social work or MSW programs to choose from, so it is essential to consider whether you can relocate or not. Maybe you can relocate to the on-campus program is not an option for you. 

The online MSW program will give them the flexibility that needs to balance their career and educational aspirations. Students also have the option of enrolling on the accelerated program. 


If you desire to have advancement in your career you can apply for CEUs for social workers to enhance your knowledge in your profession.  For more information on CEUs for Social workers kindly Join Us Here

About the author

Matthew Ogunwale

I am an amazing Content Writer and SEO Writer. I craft an informative and engaging content blog post that resonates with the audience of my clients.

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