Immigration and Visa

Global Student Loan Corporation

In today’s world, having a college degree is very important for getting good jobs. In Africa, education is super important for succeeding. However, paying for college can take a lot of work. That’s where the Global Student Loan Corporation comes in.

If you’re a student who dreams of college but needs help paying for it, don’t worry! The Global Student Loan Corporation can help you achieve your dreams. Keep reading to find out more about how to get a loan and make your dreams come true!

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About the Global Student Loan Corporation 

Global Student Loan Corporation is the only well-detailed education loan for international and part-time students that does not require a co-signer in the host country. 

They offer student loans to international students without asking for a US citizen or permanent resident to co-sign the loan. This loan helps students to make their goal of studying in the U.S. or other countries come to reality. 

This company works with financial institutions and banks in various countries to provide financial support for student education. Sometimes, the principal payments can be deferred until graduation after securing a financially rewarding career position. 

Furthermore, most loan repayment schedules spread for a longer period than the usual consumer loans to significantly reduce the monthly payment. 

After covering the schooling fee, Global Student gives funding for other school essentials like computers, communication, travel, insurance and housing. 

Global Student Loan Corporation will also give you a loan certificate you can use to demonstrate adequate funding to attend school and what you need to secure a student visa. 

Requirement For The Global Student Loan 

For you to qualify for this student loan you will need a cosigner that will be a US citizen or a permanent resident with a good credit score. 

The following is what you need to have to get the student loan: 

  • Evidence of your university enrollment, boot camp, college, training etc. With a completed acceptance letter and registration form. You must state your year of study and course of study. 
  • Biographical information that includes your name, address, social security number etc. 
  • A foreign unexpired passport. 
  • A driver’s license or official identification card. 
  • Income and employment information. 
  • Current tax documents, if needed. 
  • Personal contact of the persons that are standing as cos-signers (the number of persons will determine your financial institution). 
  • Evidence of your statement of Bank account and all your assets. 
  • Payment obligations. 

How To Apply For The Global Student Loan 

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to apply for a global student loan: 

  1. Check Your Eligibility 

Not every student qualifies to get a global student loan, so you need to check the eligibility requirements first. This can help you avoid making the lenders with requirements that you won’t be able to meet. 

  1. Have The Necessary Documentation 

You need to have the essential documentation. The essential requirements include your school letter of acceptance, your Identification Card and school transcripts. 

  1. Research Your Potentials Lenders 

You need to do proper research on lenders online or near the school you selected to make the repayment easier. 

You will need to search for lenders that offer rates and terms that are in line with your financial situation. 

  1. Proceed With The Application 

When you have picked your choices then make sure you fill out the application form and submit it. 

  1. Get Approved And Receive Your Funds 

When you receive approval from your lender, make sure you read carefully the terms and conditions. Do research on the rate and loan period and your approved borrowed amount. 

Some lenders will send you money directly for the school, and the leftover after paying the schooling fee will be sent to you. When you get the loan, make the side, you plan to pay back the student loan debt. 

This can help you avoid making the lenders so strict with requirements that you won’t be able to meet up. 

Other steps include

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  1. Have The Necessary Documentation 

You need to have the essential documentation. The requirements include your school letter of acceptance, your Identification Card and school transcripts. 

  1. Discover Your Potentials, Lenders 

You need to do proper research on lenders online or near the school you selected to make the repayment easier. 

You will need to search for lenders that offer rates and terms that are in line with your financial situation. 

  1. Then Proceed To The Application 

When you have picked your choices then make sure you fill out the application form and submit it. 

  1. Get Approved And Receive Your Funds 

When you receive approval from your lender, make sure you read carefully the terms and conditions. Do research on the rate and loan period and your approved borrowed amount. 

Some lenders will send you money directly for the school, and the leftover after paying the schooling fee will be sent to you. When you get the loan, make the side, you plan to pay back the student loan debt. 

READ MORE: How To Get a Study Abroad Loan In Nigeria


If you desire to travel abroad to continue your studies but lack funds, go through this article to learn how to apply and how to get it. 

About the author

Matthew Ogunwale

I am an amazing Content Writer and SEO Writer. I craft an informative and engaging content blog post that resonates with the audience of my clients.

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