Are you ready to explore the different types of websites in Nigeria? You don’t need to panic we got you covered!
As we know in this age internet is crowded with diverse types of websites in today’s digital world.
Moreover, daily, new ones appear in large numbers. It is believed that there are about 1.25 billion websites on the internet. These websites are dispersed around the World Wide Web like stars in the galaxy, there are simply too many.
There was a time when websites were exclusively text-based and were used to pass information by government organizations or some major names, but now even the smallest of enterprises have their own website.
Also, even though the number of these websites Is increasing, it can be grouped into various types. We’ll learn about it in this article.
READ MORE: 13 Most Popular Types of Websites (2024)
Types of Websites In Nigeria
Table of Contents
News/Entertainment Websites
These are websites that are designed to share the news with the general audience. Moreover, the news can be classified as, politics, trends, lifestyle, gossip, sports, entertainment and business/financial.
These websites make money mostly through advertisement and they often require a large number of page views to make money.
For instance, any news or entertainment website with less than 100,000 page views per day struggles to make money online so as a result, you need to have higher web traffic to succeed in this type of website.
Niche Websites
These are websites that specialize in one topic alone. The website makes money through affiliate marketing or selling eBooks, targeted services and courses to its target audience.
Moreover, the main challenge with this website is that it requires a lot of research, hard work and patience. If you start a niche website today it will take you 6 months and 4 years before you can generate traffic and not talk about making money.
E-commerce Website
The eCommerce website makes money by selling consumer products to online customers using advanced e-payment systems. Moreover, this web portal is a system that enables users to log in with a username and password.
Also, they transact business directly from their online accounts. The major disadvantage of eCommerce websites is that they are expensive to set up.
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Media Sharing Website
These are websites that share movies music videos audio and other downloadable media files that users can access for free or through subscription fees.
Also, there are two ways media-sharing websites can make money that is: adverts and subscription fees.
For advertisement, you can make use of AdSense or other contextual advertisements or charge companies to advertise directly on their websites.
Sometimes some of these media share websites also require paid membership and charge subscription fees. For instance, media-sharing websites are, and Netflix.
Freelance Blogs
A freelance blog is a regular blog but is usually operated by a freelance professional. Most of the articles published are designed to promote the blogger’s freelance work.
Also, the audience is made up mostly of aspiring and professional freelancers in the same niche or his/her potential clients. The articles are usually written in how-to formats or they could be tutorials on different topics related to the freelancer’s field.
It can also mean the blogger is sharing his work experience of offering meaningful tips to his readers. A good example of a freelance blog is which is operated by the Nigerian freelance writer, Bamidele.
Digital Products Marketplace Websites
A digital products marketplace website is also an online web portal that makes money by offering digital products for sale to a large number of people.
For those who want to learn something related to a skill or acquire specific knowledge that will assist them in achieving their goals.
Also, they are designed to sell digital products like courses and eBooks but most of these products are produced by members of these websites.
The members also are experts in whatever they want to teach and sign up to become coaches, teachers or trainers. For instance, these websites are,, etc.
Content Marketing Website
These are very similar to freelance blogs but with a slight difference. For content marketing websites, the audience is mostly customers who are seeking useful information to guide them in making a buying decision.
For instance, let’s use a real estate content marketing website. Let’s assume you are a real estate agent with more experience in brokering real estate deals.
Also, you can set up a website where you publish articles that teach people about ways to make money from their real estate properties.
Furthermore, on how to avoid being scammed in real estate, to know useful laws that can affect real estate ownership in the country or tips on how to buy lucrative real estate with little capital.
READ MORE: Top 8 Types Of Websites That Make Money In Nigeria
I hope the above-mentioned types of websites have given you detailed information that will help you in selecting the best one for your business. This should be evident, with current technical advancements, almost anyone can build any kind of website. The goal is to calculate the costs, and requirements and arrange them with a device that you are comfortable with.