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Different Types Of Social Workers

Maybe you are interested in a career that helps those in need, a social worker role can be right for you. There are many kinds of subfields of social work that you can pursue based on your interests, Education and skill set. 

Doing various research In social work specialities will help you to determine the type of social worker you want to become. 

In this article, we will explore the different types of social workers and everything you need to know about them. 

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What Do Social Workers Do?

They are compassionate advocates for individuals and communities that work to help people overcome their challenges and have improved life. 

Furthermore, they support families that are living in poverty and enhance their child welfare, as they play an important role in various settings. 

For instance, social workers in hospitals are there to assist when patients and families undergo surgeries, chronic illness diagnoses or the loss of someone they loved. 

In the school setting, they work to prevent dropouts and help students to get victory during the challenges of transitioning to the next level in their education. 

Moreover, for those struggling with addiction or amid rehabilitation, social workers in correctional facilities give full support and guidance. 

For nursing homes and long-term care facilities as they help you to plan, and manage the ongoing care for those in need. The general responsibilities of social workers include: 

  • You will contact your clients in person or by phone to identify and solve their problems. 
  • You will offer educational information and financial or emotional support to clients that need it. 
  • Referring your clients to other specialists that include physical health, mental health, and occupational specialists which are determined by their needs. 
  • You will intervene in various crises to take your clients to a safe place. 
  • To maintain detailed information about your clients well being, relationships and treatment plans. 
  • Advocating for the policy that changes that could be better than the lives of vulnerable groups. 
  • You will have to be updated on and follow the various arms of government regulations. 
  • You will have to create a care plan for your clients that is based on their health needs, goals and lifestyle. 
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Different Types Of Social Workers 

There are various types of social workers that you can become depending on where you want to specialize. Many employers require candidates should have a bachelor’s degree in social work. 

For you to complete the advanced tasks, which include diagnosing mental health conditions or offering psychotherapy treatment, some employers require you to have a master’s degree. 

Here are the different types of social workers to consider based on your interest:

1. Administrative, Policy And Research Social Workers 

These social workers can serve in high positions as directors or managers in healthcare agencies or social services organisations.

As they work on the macro level to manage government programs advocate for individuals that are in need and build common social work policies to support community members. 

They perform detailed research to understand the various challenges and needs of the community members and use this information to inform policy work. 

There are various social workers in the field that hold an advanced degree like a PhD and have more experience In academic or research settings.

2. Gerontological Social Workers 

Those that work in this kind of social work provide the elderly with the resources and community services that will help the to function well in their daily life. 

These social workers typically advocate for elderly clients and connect them to various resources and opportunities that require to maintain a healthy and stable lifestyle. 

For ageing and gerontological social workers will sign the elderly up for affordable health care to find the proper mental health support for those that are in need and locate their house and facilities that support the care for those in need.

3. Child Welfare And Family Social Workers 

These workers help to counsel children or other family members that are going through trauma. As most of them are close to the family to improve and build cordial relationships with one another through counselling and family sessions. 

Child welfare social workers make sure that parents provide a safe and nurturing home for their children. 

Maybe a child’s home environment is harmful the social worker will intervene and place the child in a safe setting. 

In addition, they can work with children and families to deal with teen pregnancy, truancy, homelessness and poverty.

4. School Social Workers 

They help children to manage their emotions, navigate a complicated family and how to access important information. 

Most times they spend the majority of their time within the academic facilities, to help students that experience challenges like bullying or unsafe environments. 

Moreover, they work with teachers and administrators to identify students that need support and organise programs to assist the well-being of the student population at large.

5. Community And Advocacy Social Workers 

This kind of social worker works with nonprofit or government entities to help organise community programs. 

They make sure the community members receive the resources that are needed to make sure they are healthy and safe. 

Some of the community social workers hold bachelor’s degrees that allow them to complete a broad range of community outreach and advocacy tasks. 

If you have a master’s degree you will be qualified to complete the basic tasks, along with your micro-level responsibilities like the clinical work and counselling services to improve the health and mental state of your community members.

6. Criminal Justice And Corrections Social Workers 

These social workers work in the court, correctional facility, crisis centre or police department setting. You can get employment with law firms, hospitals and advocacy groups. 

Also provides support for former, convicts, inmates and their family members by offering resources like a rehabilitation centre and conflict mediation. 

When you work in crisis centres you will serve as victim advocates to support them in recovery from the traumatic event. 

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As has been said in the article we have various kinds of social workers, so you can pick your choice based on what you want to become in other to help people in need of it. 

About the author

Matthew Ogunwale

I am an amazing Content Writer and SEO Writer. I craft an informative and engaging content blog post that resonates with the audience of my clients.

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