Marriage as many adults come to realize, is never a bed of roses. There are so many issues that can disrupt the peace and stability of the relationship between any couple. Some eventually lead to a permanent separation or divorce.
In this article, we shall go through the common causes of divorce among couples in Nigeria.
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11 Causes of Divorce in Nigeria
In Nigeria, certain legal grounds are first considered before a divorce case can be processed successfully. These grounds are found in both the Matrimonial Causes Act 1970 (the Act) and the Matrimonial Causes Rules 1983.
The divorce grounds majorly surround a situation whereby irreconcilable differences are found between both partners.
There are many reasons that result in separation among couples. However, there are certainly major factors found to be the common causes behind divorce among spouses. They include –
Inadequate Preparation:
Lack of preparation before marriage is one of the major causes of divorce. Marriage requires the emotional, psychological and intellectual maturity of both parties for it to be successful. A lot of problems arise in a situation where this is found lacking.
Some couples make the mistake of marrying their partners based on an initial physical attraction. This tends to backfire at some later point in their marriage as they discover their interests, passions or goals never seem to align with each other. Important factors such as age and intellectual matching should be considered and thought of diligently before entering into marriage.
Communication problems:
A lack of effective communication between partners leads to bigger problems in the union. Couples should ensure they voice out their concerns and honest feelings to their partners about things pertaining to their relationship to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.
Lack of trust:
A marriage without trust in the relationship is bound to head for the rocks.
Lack of faithfulness among partners to each other is one of the foremost causes of divorce. Infidelity in marriage is one of the hardest cases to forgive or resolve among couples as the emotional hurt it inflicts on the said partners takes a lot to heal.
Poor physical intimacy:
A lack of physical intimacy results in issues in any marriage. Couples should ensure they create the time regularly to spend and enjoy themselves alone, together.
Financial crises:
Financial unpreparedness often leads to problems in many marriages. A couple that can’t afford to cater for their bills will get frustrated easily. This eventually affects the mental state of both partners and will eventually take a toll on their relationship.
Infertility problems:
Having children immediately after marriage is a foremost expectation of many Nigerian families. A couple without any child after their first two years in marriage is often frowned upon by respective families of both families and pressure arises to provide a quick solution to this. This usually results in problems among both partners. Also, a divorce is very much likely in cases where a party deliberately keeps their state of infertility to the other partner before marriage and is eventually found out.
Constant disagreement:
Couples who find it hard to come to commonly agreed terms on most subjects usually end up seeking for a divorce. A hostile environment takes a huge toll on the peace and love that might have existed initially between a couple.
Domestic Violence:
Domestic violence is one serious offence in a marriage. Under no circumstance should any party in a marriage lay hands or get violent with each other. Unfortunately in Nigeria, it is common to hear cases of domestic violence among spouses. This mostly results in police or human rights associations’ interference.
Unrealistic expectations:
Setting unrealistic expectations of someone is unfair to anyone. Aside from some necessary etiquette, no human is perfect and that should be taken into consideration when dealing with our partners. Aside from this, it’s important for couples to discuss extensively their needs, wants or expectations before settling into marriage. This will enable both parties to ensure they don’t get ‘shockingly disappointed’ when they eventually find out the limits to what their spouse can provide them.
Apart from the reasons mentioned above, there exist other issues that result in problems in marriage. However, the 11 causes already listed above seem to be the most commonly found problem factors in most broken marriages in Nigeria.
Approaching mutual issues with a solution-oriented mindset and diplomacy is the best way to restore peace and happiness in any relationship. Hence, it is advised that couples endeavour to sort out differences between each other privately before making a final decision on divorce.
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