Interview Guide

20 US Visa Interview Questions and Answers

To visit the United States, you should go through the US Visa Interview Questions and Answers section. People who desire to enter the US for work, studies, business and tourism among other reasons are expected to apply for a United States visa. This application process requires you to complete the application form, submit specific documents, and attend the visa interview if there is a need for one, pay the visa fee. Not all United States visa applications indeed demand a visa interview, however, there are some types of visas that require one.


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20 US Visa Interview Questions and Answers


Here is a list of sample US visa interview Questions. Also, read further to understand how to provide answers to these questions.

  1. What is your purpose for going to the United state?
  2. Have you been to the US before?
  3. Do you have family or friends residing in the US?
  4. Where will you stay in the US?
  5. Where will you stay in the US?
  6. The duration seems very long, is it possible to shorten your stay?
  7. Will you be travelling with anyone?
  8. How will you be financing your trip?
  9. Are you married? Do you have kids? Who will take care of them in your absence?
  10. Aside from work/ study, do you have any other plans in the US?
  11. If your visa application is rejected, what do you plan to do?
  12. How much does your school cost? How will you meet these expenses?
  13. If you are the only person travelling, you could be asked Why are you travelling alone? Or Why isn’t your husband/wife accompanying you?
  14. What is your occupation?
  15. What does your job entail?
  16. How much money do you make?
  17. When did you retire?
  18. How much are you paid for your pension?
  19. What assets/properties do you have?
  20. Who will take care of your property while you are gone?


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US Visa Interview Questions and Answers

In this context, we will discuss 20 US interview questions and answers that will be of help to you so you must read them till the end.

Throughout the interview, you will be asked certain questions regarding your visa category by the consular officer. Your document and details will be verified as well.
While answering the questions asked by the consular officer, you need to answer directly with confidence. You need to emphasize your intention of returning to your homeland after achieving your goal of travelling.


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    1. What is your purpose for going to the United state?

This is an introduction question. Just answer in brief sentences that explain the reasons behind your purpose of travelling.

Here is a list of answers that you can give for your purpose of travelling

  • For education
  • To find work
  • For medical treatment

Your answer should be short, brief, and clear. Since the time allocated is short and you do not want to waste your time and that of the interviewer.

2. Have you been to the US before?

You must answer your questions truthfully. If you have visited the US before, talk about why you went there. There is no need to lie because the consular officer has the information already. If this is your first time going to the US, simply say it is.

3. Do you have family or friends residing in the US?

If you have any relatives or friends that live in the US, tell the interviewer about them. Saying the truth provides you with a better chance of getting a visa. Most of the time, the US Embassy is terrified that its visitors will attempt to remain in the US, and concealing information such as having a family or friend residing in the US may make your purpose of visiting shady.

Details on your friends/relatives in the US. If you have family/friends in the US, you will be asked questions on how long they have been residing in the US, where they stay, and their place of work. So before applying for a US visa, ensure you already have this information.




4. Where will you stay in the US?

If have decided to stay at a friend’s or family member’s place, show the consular the address or if you have booked a hotel, show the hotel booking to the interviewer and explain why you choose that hotel.
If you have booked a hotel, show your hotel booking and tell the interviewer why you choose that hotel.


5. How long do you plan to stay in the US?

The answer to this question depends on your purpose for going to the US. If you are going to the US for schooling, tell the interviewer how long it will take to complete your degree. Mention the amount of time you are planning on staying in the US.

6. The duration seems very long, is it possible to shorten your stay?

The consular will ask you this question if you want to stay longer than six months in the US
If you have applied for such a visa, you must have a good reason behind it, so provide the interviewer with a convincing reason.

7. Will you be travelling with anyone?

If you are travelling with anyone, tell the interviewer that you are. If you are travelling alone, still tell the consular. Also, tell the consular the relationship you have with the person that you will be travelling with.

8. How will you be financing your trip?

This is a US interview question asked to ensure the source of your money. You will have to show the interviewer a statement of your bank account and other financial documents.
Provide evidence and proof when answering this question. Most importantly, answer briefly.

9. Are you married? Do you have kids? Who will take care of them in your absence?

The interviewer has to know if you will leave a spouse or family member behind. If you have kids, tell the consular who will be in charge of them when you are away.

10. Aside from work/ study, do you have any other plans in the US?

Tell the consular about the locations you will want to see and why these places are important to you.

11. If your visa application is rejected, what do you plan to do?

This question should not scare you or leave you worried. Just make sure you state the significance of your trip. The consular officer could ask this question to determine the suitability of your visa type.

12. How much does your school cost? How will you meet these expenses?

If you are going to the United state for educational purposes, the consular will ask about your school tuition. Tell the interviewer your tuition fees and the amount of money you will spend on housing and expenses. Tell the interviewer the amount of money you will receive monthly and show proof that the said amount will be enough to cover all your needs. If you plan to work as you study, ensure not to say this because it might affect your visa application.

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13. If you are the only person travelling, you could be asked Why are you travelling alone? Or Why isn’t your husband/wife accompanying you?

If your spouse is late, tell the consular officer about it. If not, give concrete reasons why your husband/ wife can’t follow you to the United state.

14. What is your occupation?

Make sure you give the correct answer. If you are working say so. If you are retired, indicate too.

15. What does your job entail?

Say what your job is about but be brief about it.

16. How much money do you make?

Talk about your annual income and be honest about your answer.

If you are a business person, you could be asked: who will be in charge of your business when you are away.
Tell the consular officer that you have discussed with a friend to take care of your business while you are away

17. When did you retire?

This question is for people who are retired. Be specific about your retirement year or month. Do not tell lies to your interviewer.

18. How much are you paid for your pension?

Answer with a specific amount. Do not beat around the bush.

19. What assets/properties do you have?

If you have properties such as houses and farms, tell the interviewer. However, if you have a property that can be moved, don’t tell the interviewer. He/she might see this as a reason for you not to return

20. Who will take care of your property while you are gone?

Say that you have made arrangements with a relative to take care of your property while you are away.


Bonus Questions

21. Do you have a business card? May I see it?

If you have one, show it to the interviewer. If you don’t, tell the consular officer that you don’t.

22. Do you own a credit card?

If you own one, say yes and show it. If you don’t, say no.




Anyone who applies for a US visa is expected to go through a Visa interview. These questions are often asked to test your eligibility for getting a visa. When faced with such questions, all you need to do is to answer confidently and truthfully. This will enable your visa application to be successful.

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About the author

Nnamdi Nwachukwu

An amazing writer with over 3 years of experience working in the Marketing, Education, and Sports firms.

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